Friday 13 November 2015

Timepiece Brief and Silhouettes

For Task two I have been set a brief of a Timepiece. An object, structure or image that can show, tell or affect time. Main examples given as watches, clocks, clock towers and such but these are more real world examples that can be put into any creative medium and are not really specific to games, whereas I would like to do something that is more directly linked to certain game mechanics.
Sleeping or meditating mechanics in games allow fast passage of time, basically allowing the player to change the time of day to their preference. But instead of accelerating time what if you could have a mechanic that allows the player to stop or reverse time. I was thinking that some sort of ancient mystical device could do that and I thought it would resemble and obelisk or something along those lines.

Something along the lines of the Places of Power in the Witcher or the Standing Stones in Skyrim in terms of overall size and shape but serving a different purpose.
As most obelisks or totems are symmetrical, as are watches too, using Alchemy made generating lots of detailed silhouettes quick and easy.

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